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Design Philosophy

Japanese Tea Room | Chashitsu | Exterior | Assembled Chashitsu  | Tsubaki Architectural Design Institute

vol.1 Assembly tea room "Shousoh-An"

“Shousoh-An” was announced at the 1st Monozukuri Takumi no Waza Celebration 2016 in order to transmit traditional Japanese techniques to the world through the tea room. It is a full-fledged tea room consisting of eight tatami mat hall + mizuya + two tatami tatami booth.

Japanese Tea Room | Chashitsu | Interior | Tokonoma  | Tsubaki Architectural Design Institute

vol.2 Tokonoma story

Tokonoma the space that has symbolically disappeared in modern houses?

​Old houses always had a Japanese-style room with an alcove.

Japanese Tea Room | Chashitsu | Exterior | Office | Tsubaki Architectural Design Institute

vol.3 Tea room at the office

We received a request from a company that is active on the world stage to build a tea room for employee education with a "Zen mind"


vol.4 "Zen", Business and "Chashitsu"

We were asked to design a tea room inside the Bonsai Cafe, and the ultimate one-tatami mat Japanese Tea Room was built.

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